ARNOLD, MD, February 8th, 2022 – ClaimsBridge, (, a leading healthcare technology company providing end-to-end claims cost containment solutions, announced that The Loomis Company awarded them their Technology Partner of the year for 2021. The Loomis Company, a leading BPO firm and ClaimsBridge have been working together for over a decade. During the past year ClaimsBridge has been able to deliver additional services to Loomis to expedite their Claims processing and to improve claims pre-adjudication accuracy. The ClaimsBridge Celerity pricing engine is able to expeditiously configure complex facility and provider contracts. This streamlines their claims acquisition to include pricing, routing and eligibility verification.
Loomis chose to use ClaimsBridge Celerity to ensure timely claims pre-adjudication as ClaimsBridge could exceed competitor’s timelines and quality, thus delivering the highest level of service to their clients.
Tom Forsberg, President – Benefits Division at Loomis, who nominated ClaimsBridge for the award stated, “ClaimsBridge is an ideal business partner, our interactions are always collaborative to ensure that we receive the technology solutions that we need for our clients. Their quality, integrity and responsiveness are exemplary. This reward was richly deserved for the work they have accomplished during this challenging business year.”
About ClaimsBridge
ClaimsBridge is a healthcare technology company providing custom and high performing networks, direct to employer contracting, RBP and Medicare pricing solutions (ClaimsBridge Navigator) and unified end-to-end pre-adjudication infrastructure for the receipt, routing and pricing of medical claims (ClaimsBridge Connect). ClaimsBridge is directly connected to over 120 partners serving self-funded and fully insured employers through their broker and benefit consultants, stop-loss carriers, third-party administrators, healthcare networks and strategic vendor partners. For more information about ClaimsBridge service offerings visit or call 410.349.3222.